Profile image of Hedi MELLEKH



With an innate love of writing code to solve complex issues, I have been programming since fifteen. My love for innovative and creative client applications allowed me to reach the level of an experienced programmer. In my role as a programmer, I do not only rely on my coding competencies, but also on my significant leadership skills as well. I’m an excellent team player and facilitator.

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  • Design And Development Engineer at Livin’


    March, 2021 - Today . Paris, France

    Livin” uses urban data to help cities make infrastructure operations and policies have a measurable impact on issues like air quality, traffic congestion, parking and more. As a member of the product team, I develop new features (APIs and Interfaces) and maintain the existing ones. I evaluate our code to ensure it meets industry standards, is valid, is properly structured, is well optimized, and is compatible with browsers, devices, or operating systems. I also work alongside graphic designers, product owners and other developer to define new features and make sure they meet both technical and business needs

  • Design And Development Engineer at MaConso


    July, 2018 - February, 2021 . Paris, France

    MaConso” offers energy coaching to costumers to monitor, compare and understand their day-to-day consumption. As a member of the backend team, I worked in different areas: I participated continually in designing and implanting new APIs in the and maintaining the existing ones. I had the task of leading the implementation (design, development, and performance tests) of a new ETL using AWS (Glue, EC2, Lambda, Cloudwatch) which considerably increased our data integration abilities. I also worked alongside data scientists and business analysts to identify ways to improve data reliability, efficiency, and quality. I conducted, as well, technical meetings with the support team to resolve issues, plan deployments or discuss technical choices.

  • Design And Development Engineer at CAVIMAC


    February, 2017 - June, 2018 . Paris, France

    CAVIMAC” (Caisse d'assurance vieillesse, invalidité et maladie des cultes) is a national organization of social security. At Klee, we made the new CVIMAC’ information system. I actively participated in the different design workshops where we defined the technical and business requirements of the application. Then I worked on developing, testing, and delivering the features (APIs and Interfaces). I led the integration of Elasticsearch which enhanced the search experience in the application.

  • Design And Development Intern at ITLP

    General Electric Power Conversion

    February, 2016 - July, 2016 . Paris, France

    An internship as part of the GE’ Information Technology Leadership Program (ITLP). Program members lead by doing—gaining real-world experience by working on important and challenging projects.My main duties were to manage and monitor a set of small IT projects. Establishment of functional specifications by interviewing users and potential stakeholders in the project. Coordination of the project between the development team and the users. English-speaking work environment.

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